If no one ever thought “outside the box,” we would still be stuck in the Stone Age. Whether the technology is as advanced as the latest smart phone or as simple as the wheel, society has always depended on its innovators to envision solutions to the pressing concerns of the moment. As technology continues to evolve at such a rapid pace, the need for creative thinkers is increasing as well. Many of the environmental problems that are big issues today weren’t even imagined twenty or thirty years ago. Innovation is often the only way to address some of these new and seemingly intractable issues.
SAI has for years prided itself for its original approach to many of the challenging issues it has faced. How does SAI accomplish this? First, by understanding and working within the various engineering, scientific and regulatory constraints put on the projects in its care. Second, by employing the best and brightest staff, and by encouraging them to utilize their creativity when dealing with complicated issues. Third, by having a management team who understands and supports the need for new, untried solutions, and who will go to bat for their team with outside forces who may be skeptical of their new ideas. And fourth, by being knowledgeable not only about the projects on our desks at the moment, but also about what is going on both in the world at large and here at home in New Jersey.
SAI has relied on innovation and creativity throughout its existence. We have countless projects that have benefited directly from our willingness to look at environmental issues, both existing and new, with open minds. These include:
For more detailed information on a project that was addressed using SAI’s approach to innovation, please click on the link below to see our Winter 2006 newsletter.